Component (optional),Summary ,"EL6 (Y, y, blank)","EL7 (Y, y, blank)",Description (optional),Comment (optional),Story Points pupmod-simp-simp,rake beaker:suites works for all suites using current Puppetfile,Y,,"Run the pupmod-simp-simp acceptance tests for the tagged version of pupmod-simp-simp included in simp-6.2.0RC1, using the appropriate tagged versions of all dependencies in its .fixtures.yml.",,1 simp-core,rake beaker:suites works for all suites using current Puppetfile,Y,Y,Run the following test suites with/without FIPS for CentOS6 and CentOS7 (as appropriate):,,2 ,Validate that the compliance maps do not have errors on enforcement,,,"Loop over all enforcement modes, and verify the catalog compiles. If it does not compile, there is a type error that will need to be fixed.",A test was added to the default test suite in simp-core for this,1