Versions Compared


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Build the Framework Packages

This part works on both the 4.X and 5.X branches and, in general, we would only have people download this bit as a set and then use the ISO build below themselves.


  • Complete installation media for your chosen distribution

    • If there is more than one disc, you will need all of them
  • Make sure the following packages are installed and up to date:

    • git

    • mock

    • ClamAV, or whatever includes freshclam (on Fedora, the package is called clamav-update)

    • createrepo

  • Install RVM and ruby 1.9 and 2.1 (but not 1.8 or 2.2)
  • Your user must be in mock group
  • All users that are to use mock must be added to the 'mock' group

    • To add a user to the group, use this command as root: usermod -a -G mock [User name] && newgrp mock

  • 60G of space in /var/lib/mock
  • The gpg executable must be in the user's path (RHEL/Fedora package: gnupg)

Build SIMP!

  1. Clone the master repository

    Code Block
    $ git clone
  2. Switch to the branch appropriate for the ISO you are building. In this example, we are building for CentOS 6.6, so we run

    Code Block
    $ cd simp-core
    $ git checkout 4.2.X
  3. Install the needed gems as described in the Gemfile 

    Code Block
    $ bundle 
    1. note:  if you do not have it installed, run gem install bundler

  4. Download all the SIMP components

    Code Block
    $ rake git:submodules:reset
  5. Cross your fingers

  6. You may need to run a for loop to find Gemfiles and run 'bundle' wherever they are at this point, we have a task on the backlog to fix this

  7. Build the DVD overlay tarball. Further documentation for the arguments is available in rake. 

    Code Block
    $ rake tar:build[epel-6-x86_64,dev,false] (builds for RHEL6, dev key, no docs)
At this point, you've built the SIMP tarball and could install it using a YUM server of your choice on whatever system you choose and try to follow the documentation

The SIMP tarball(s) will be in simp-core/build/DVD_Overlay. There will be one per supported distribution.

Build the ISO

  1. cd into simp-core
  2. Download all of the required packages for the build:

    Code Block
    $ rake build:yum:sync[<CentOS or RHEL>,<os_version>,<simp_version>,<architecture>]
  3. Optionally, you may drop in custom packages you wish to have available during an install into build/yum_data/SIMP<simp_version>_<CentOS or RHEL><os_version>_<architecture>/packages
  4. Take your favorite RHEL or CentOS DVD set and place them in some directory somewhere with enough space to hold 3 copies.
  5. cd to the directory holding the ISO images
  6. Unpack the ISOs 

    Code Block
    $ mkdir orig
    $ cd orig
    $ BUNDLE_DIRECTORY=/path/to/simp-core rake -f /path/to/simp-core/Rakefile unpack["/path/to/ISO1"]
    1. Repeat the rake task for any additional ISOs
  7. Copy the contents of the extracted ISOs to the build directory: 

    Code Block
    $ cd ..
    $ mkdir 4.2.X
    $ cd 4.2.X
    $ cp -rl ../orig/*6.6* .
  8. And finally, build the ISO:

    Code Block
    $ BUNDLE_DIRECTORY=/path/to/simp-core rake -f /path/to/simp-core/Rakefile iso:build["/path/to/simp-core/build/DVD_Overlay/<appropriate>.tar.gz"]
If all goes well, after this you will have a working SIMP-Ready ISO.

(At this time, we have some repoclosure issues that we need to work through so the ISO may not build)