Going to rip off the docker libkv API and implement it as puppet functions under the libkv:: namespace.
A storage backend in libkv should implement (fully or partially) this interface:
Code Block |
* delete(String $key) (Boolean)
* deletetree(String $directory) (Boolean)
* get(String $key) (Any)
* put(String $key, Any $value) (Boolean)
* exists(String $key) (Boolean)
* list(String $directory) (Hash)
* atomic_create(String $key, Any $value) (Boolean)
* atomic_delete(String $key, Hash $previous) (Boolean)
* atomic_get(String $key) (Hash)
* atomic_put(String $key, Any $value, Hash previous, Hash options) (Boolean)
* atomic_list(String $directory) (Hash)
* empty_value() (Hash)
* info() (Hash)
* provider() (String)
* supports() (Array)
Defined but not implemented
* watch(String $key, Queue $queue) - Not Implemented
* watchtree(String $key, Queue $queue) - Not Implemented
* newlock(String $key, Hash options) - Not Implemented |
We will start with four backends:
- mock - This is a fake KV store that will only be used for unit and acceptance testing purposes.
- legacy-simp6 - this duplicates fakeca and passgen and other simp modules that store random files on a puppet master. This will be the default at least for the SIMP 6 major branch.
- consul - implements the storage semantics under consul
- etcd - implements the storage semantics under etcd
The default will be 'legacy-simp6' so it won't be an API breakage
Architecting is considered finished when unit and acceptance tests are created in pupmod-simp-libkv, and mockprovider passes all the tests. implementation of other backends will be other tickets.
Documentation will be another ticket blocked by this one, as I don't want to finalize docs until after the first providers are written and we attempt to integrate with existing modules
global parameters: