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  1. ISO build process SHOULD continue to only include the packages it needs

  2. Modular packages MUST install correctly from the SIMP ISO or the local mirror created from the SIMP ISO

  3. Modular packages installed from the SIMP ISO MUST upgrade correctly


  1. If necessary, the ISO MAY mirror the entire base OS’s DVD AppStream/ repository in order to avoid red

  2. However, the ISO MUST NOT mirror an entire repository (like epel-modular) just to provide a few packages from a single module stream (389-directory-server:stable)

  3. No matter what, the old createrepo command MUST NOT EVER be run on a repo with modular packages, because it will destroy the repo’s modulemd metadata and make the RPMs unable to install—use createrepo_c instead, or something like creatrerepo_mod from modulemd-tools.


  • The introduction of 389ds in 6.6.0 will require the 389-directory-server:stable from the epel-modular repository


  • To add modular RPMs to the SIMP ISO, we must rebuild their modular repos with only a “slim” subset of their original upstream repository’s module/streams.

  • The subsets must use the same name + stream + version + context + architecture (N:S:V:C:A)



Creating “slim” stream mirrors of modular RPM packages enables the SIMP ISO to support modularity while still mix/matching specific RPMs from various sources. For instance, it permits adding a few epel-modular packages without distributing epel-modular's entire collection of modules x streams x packages.

See for a summary of motivating challenges and requirements .


The “slim” mirroring process must happen during/before the ISO build process.

  1. At the same time each modular RPM is acquired, save its source repo’s modulemd metadata.

  2. Use unique N:S:V:C:A combinations from the resulting modular RPMs to determine which “slim” module streams to reconstruct. (We don’t care about /P for this.

  3. For each unique “slim” modular stream: generate modulemd metadata for all relevant RPMs

  4. Combine all “slim” modules' modulemd data into a single modulemddata structure and write it to modules.yaml data structure

  5. Create Rebuild the modular repository using createrepo_c (or createrepo_mod—just not createrepo

RPM data


Implementing slim modular repos


  1. ) with the new modules.yaml file

Implementing slim modular repos



repomd.xml XML root is namespaced; causes XPath trouble

Modular RPM data/metadata to get/record/cache

At a minimum, a new field (only required for modular RPMs) that specifies the N:S (module:stream) for modular packages should be added to the build’s packages.yaml.


Problems that are probably solved

yumdownloader can’t see RPMs in modules/streams that aren’t enabled


  1. Status
    Add an optional field to packages.yaml entries to specify the N:S: for each modular RPM

  2. (plus)

    Identify and enable all unique N: from packages.yaml (fail if there are conflicting S:)


  3. Status
    dnf module enable each N:S: before beginning to use yumdownloader

  4. Status
    Individual yumdownloader runs can change repository mirrors, which may be out of sync with each other and have different modulemd data.

    1. (plus)

      (When using the yumdownloader) the modulemd metadata must be fetched at the same time as the RPM is downloaded, in order to preserve the precise state of that RPM’s modular metadata.

    In upstream repositories, it’s possible that a

A single RPM could be part of multiple streams


in an upstream repository

Nothing in the modulemd data prevents this


, so we need a way to


determine the correct stream.

This isn’t a problem for External packages, because we will already need to add a field to explicitly set N:S: to packages.yaml




However: there is no way to hint streams in


*pkglist.txt files for minimal BaseOS packages (unless we do something elaborate, like add comment keywords and a parser)

  1. (plus)

    Most BaseOS EL8 modules have a default stream; use


    the default stream if it exists

    (plus) We can also

  2. Status
    If there is only a single stream, default to the onlystream.
    This is hacky, but it will work for EL8.3—Base OS (i.e., AppStream) modules without a default stream are currently very rare, and at the moment all of them have a single stream:

    Code Block
    # dnf module --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=appstream list | grep -v '\[d\]'
    CentOS Linux 8 - AppStream
    Name                 Stream
    389-ds               1.4                   
    389 Directory Server (base)                                                                                                                                                                                               
    libselinux-python    2.8
    Python 2 bindings for libselinux                                                                                                                                                                                          
    mod_auth_openidc     2.3
    Apache module suporting OpenID Connect authentication                                                                                                                                                                     
    parfait              0.5
          Parfait Module                                                                                                                                                                                                            
    pki-core             10.6
    PKI Core module for PKI 10.6 or later                                                                                                                                                                                     
    pki-deps             10.6
    PKI Dependencies module for PKI 10.6 or later                          
  3. (question)

    titleNOT IN 6.6.0
    This leaves open a


    potential edge-case: if in the future, we require an RPM from a Base OS modules without a default stream but ships with multiple streams (again, current population: 0)

    that will fail where Base OS modules with multiple streams don’t have a default stream.

    , it will fail and there is no way to hint

    • Status
      titleNOT IN 6.6.0
      We should probably have a way of formally declaring N:S for *pkglist.txt Base OS RPMs in the future. Some possibilities:

      • A separate *pkglist.modularity.txt file

      • N:S-declaring directives in the comments of *pkglist.txt

      • Could this be combined with packages.yaml? (not

    easy to see how
      • without a major rewrite)

Unsolved problems


What are the


“Fetch RPM” flow differences


between Base OS (




& External (yumdownloader


) packages?



How can we


know the URL/path to an RPM’s source repo’s repomd.xml file?

This is simple enough to do by hand for an individual package, but I’m not sure how to automate it yet. Here are some ideas:

  1. Option 1: see if yumdownloader can be convinced to display


    the repo root’s URL, like --urls does with the RPM

    • (I haven’t found

    it yet
    • an option that does this)

  2. Option 2: walk up the dir tree until we find metadata

    • (hacky, expensive)

  3. Option 3: (somehow) find/define the DNF cache that was used to download the RPM and (somehow) fish out the modulemd data that was used for that specific package

    (minus) With yumdownloader,

  4. Status
    titleCurrent favorite
    Option 4: Do everything the other way around:

    1. Before getting packages, get each representative repo’s repomd.xml file first, then use it to find the xxx-packages.yaml.gz

    2. read the modulemd data from the packages.yaml file

    3. filter the modulemd data down to just the streams and packages you need

    4. then run yumdownloader to acquire those exact packages

Separate yumdownloader runs may result in RPMs for the same N:S having different N:S:V:C:A

Different RPMs could be sourced from different versions (V:) of the same module stream if yumdownloader pulls them from different repo mirrors that are out of sync with each other. Using the heuristic of a “slim” module stream per unique N:S:V:C:A , this would result in multiple module streams instead of one.


This is a rare edge case that V: is specifically intended to catch


, and it seems correct to fail instead of building a “mirrored” stream subset using RPMs from


a different (stream) versions. However, I can’t demonstrate that the potential impact of


this scenario is worth prioritizing its implementation.

The strongest impacts I came up with so far rely on the fact that there’s a good chance that, between two stream versions, the combined set of downloaded RPMs won’t be a precise subset of either stream. But unless the mirrors were really out of sync, this probably wouldn’t matter. The stream version is a snapshot in time of all the modulemd (modular) metadata for the stream—it doesn’t actually affect its RPMs' resolutions.

(I honestly don’t know many details of how/when V: is used other than “highest wins”, but it might lead to weird edge cases:)

  1. There’s a (staggeringly) remote change that the newer stream version dropped package(s) or one of its packages has a new dependency

  2. The slim repo will use one N:S:V or the other, but neither upstream precisely matches its RPMs. After re-integrating with the full upstream repo or mirror, DNF might miss an update by deciding it already know the stream version resolve using the wrong stream version for some of the packages, to the wrong versions, miss updates

  3. There may be other reasons to do with inter-modular dependencies.

  4. TL;DR: Not sure if failing is the best

    way—input welcome.

Unknown Unknowns

  1. Should/how would we way forward—input welcome.

For the time being, I am treating this as a don’t-have-to-solve problem

Are there conditions where streams don’t provide C:A information when packages are noarch?

No. By the time they are built, they will have a context and arch.


[Should/how to] persist cached modulemd metadata for already-downloaded RPMs between builds?

The current yumdownloader process

True or false: “Any mirrored “slim” module MUST NOT have multiple streams”

  1. (question) This sounds reasonable, but is it actually true?

  2. It’s impossible to install multiple streams on a single SIMP server, but do we think we’d need to package multiple “slim” module streams for agents?

    1. My current inclination is to assume “no.” Given our approach toward modularity in general, that seems like a really edgy edge case.