SIMP Version Matrix

CentOS images can be found here


SIMP VersionRHEL/CentOS VersionImages RequiredMock Build Environment
4.2.X6.7DVD1 and DVD2epel-6-x86_64
5.1.X7.1(RHEL) / 7.0(CentOS)Everything ISOepel-7-x86_64


  1. Make sure you are a normal user and not root!

  2. Clone the master repository and enter it

    $ git clone
    $ cd simp-core
  3. Check which branches are available

    $ git branch -a
  4. Switch to the branch appropriate for the ISO you are building. In this example, we are building for CentOS 6.7, so we run

    $ git checkout 4.2.X 
  5. Install the needed gems as described in the Gemfile 

    $ gem install bundler
    $ bundle

The Easy Method

This method uses a pre-existing tarball to build the SIMP ISO and is the fastest way to get started.

  1. Head over to the BinTray repository and find the version of SIMP that you wish to build.
  2. Create the DVD_Overlay directory

    $ mkdir -p build/DVD_Overlay
  3. Download the version that you want into the DVD_Overlay directory

    $ cd build/DVD_Overlay
    $ curl -LO
    $ cd -

You can now proceed to Building the ISO.


Building from Scratch

This works on both the 4.X and 5.X branches and is intended for testing the latest builds of the SIMP stack.
You may be interested in the /wiki/spaces/SD/pages/5406762 page to customize your build. Please make sure you have your build environment set up according to Setting up your build environment .
At this point, you've built the SIMP tarball and could install it using a YUM server of your choice on whatever system you choose and then follow the documentation


  • Make sure the following additional packages are installed and up to date:

    • mock

    • ClamAV     # or whatever includes freshclam (on Fedora, the package is called clamav-update)

  1. Download all the SIMP source components

    $ rake git:submodules:reset
  2. Build the DVD overlay tarball. Further documentation for the arguments is available in rake (rake -D). 

    $ rake tar:build[epel-6-x86_64,dev,false] (builds for CentOS/RHEL 6, dev key, no docs)
  3. If you've never run the build process before, you may need to run the following to make sure you have all of the bundles you need for all of the submodules in this project 

    $ rake build:bundle
The SIMP tarball(s) will be in simp-core/build/DVD_Overlay. There will be one per supported distribution.

Build the ISO

This example is based around using CentOS 6.7.

  1. cd into simp-core
  2. Download all of the required packages for the build:

    $ rake build:yum:sync[<CentOS or RHEL>,<os_version>]
    # Example: rake build:yum:sync[CentOS,6.7]


    1. If you have previously downloaded packages from yum, you may need to run 

      $ rake build:yum:clean_cache
  3. Optionally, you may drop in custom packages you wish to have available during an install into build/yum_data/SIMP<simp_version>_<CentOS or RHEL><os_version>_<architecture>/packages
  4. Take your favorite RHEL or CentOS ISOs and place them in some directory somewhere with enough space to hold 3 copies.

    $ mkdir /tmp/CentOS_Build
    $ cd /tmp/CentOS_Build
    $ curl -LO
    $ curl -LO
  5. Unpack the ISOs

    $ mkdir orig
    $ cd orig
    $ BUNDLE_GEMFILE=/path/to/simp-core/Gemfile rake -f /path/to/simp-core/Rakefile unpack["`pwd`/CentOS-6.7-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso"]
    $ BUNDLE_GEMFILE=/path/to/simp-core/Gemfile rake -f /path/to/simp-core/Rakefile unpack["`pwd`/CentOS-6.7-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso"]
  6. Make a new directory for your custom ISO build and copy the contents of the extracted ISOs 

    $ cd ..
    $ mkdir 4.2.X
    $ cd 4.2.X
    $ cp -rl ../orig/CentOS6.7-x86_64 .
  7. And finally, build the ISO:

    $ BUNDLE_GEMFILE=/path/to/simp-core/Gemfile rake -f /path/to/simp-core/Rakefile iso:build["/path/to/simp-core/build/DVD_Overlay/SIMP-DVD-CentOS-4.2.0-RC1.tar.gz"]
If all goes well, after this you will have a working SIMP-Ready ISO. If not, please try the Forum.