Build the Framework Packages

This part works on both the 4.X and 5.X branches and, in general, we would only have people download this bit as a set and then use the ISO build below themselves.


  • Make sure the following packages are installed and up to date:

    • git

    • mock

    • ClamAV, or whatever includes freshclam (on Fedora, the package is called clamav-update)

    • createrepo

  • Install RVM and ruby 1.9 and 2.1 (but not 1.8 or 2.2)
  • Your user must be in mock group
  • All users that are to use mock must be added to the 'mock' group.  To add a user to the group, use this command as root: usermod -a -G mock [User name] && newgrp mock

  • 60G of space in /var/lib/mock
  • The gpg executable must be in the user's path (RHEL/Fedora package: gnupg)

Build SIMP!

  1. Clone the master repository

    git clone

    cd into simp-core

  2. Switch to the branch appropriate for the ISO you are building. In this example, we are building for CentOS 6.6, so we run

    git checkout 4.2.X
  3. Install the needed gems as described in the Gemfile 

    1. note:  if you do not have it installed, run gem install bundler

  4. Download all the SIMP components

    rake git:submodules:reset
  5. Cross your fingers

  6. You may need to run a for loop to find Gemfiles and run 'bundle' wherever they are at this point, we have a task on the backlog to fix this

  7. Build the DVD overlay tarball. 

    rake tar:build[epel-6-x86_64,dev,false] (builds for RHEL6, dev key, no docs)


At this point, you've built the SIMP tarball and could install it using a YUM server of your choice on whatever system you choose and try to follow the documentation

The SIMP tarball(s) will be in simp-core/build/DVD_Overlay. There will be one per supported distribution.

Build the ISO

Download all of the required packages for the build.

  1. cd into simp-core
  2. Run rake build:yum:sync[<CentOS or RHEL>,<os_version>,<simp_version>,<architecture>]
  3. Optionally, you may drop in custom packages you wish to have available during an install into build/yum_data/SIMP<simp_version>_<CentOS or RHEL><os_version>_<architecture>/packages

Take your favorite RHEL or CentOS DVD set and place them in some directory somewhere with enough space to hold 3 copies.
  1. cd to the directory holding the ISO images

  2. Create a directory called orig

  3. cd into orig

  4. Run BUNDLE_DIRECTORY=/path/to/simp-core rake -f /path/to/simp-core/Rakefile unpack["/path/to/ISO1"]

    • Repeat this step for any additional ISOs

  5. Run cd ..

  6. Run mkdir 4.2.X

  7. Run cd 4.2.X

  8. Run cp -rl ../orig/*6.6* .

  9. Run BUNDLE_DIRECTORY=/path/to/simp-core rake -f /path/to/simp-core/Rakefile iso:build["/path/to/simp-core/build/DVD_Overlay/<appropriate>.tar.gz"]

If all goes well, after this you will have a working SIMP-Ready ISO.

(At this time, we have some repoclosure issues that we need to work through so the ISO may not build)