
This example covers the installation of a SIMP server on an existing CentOS 6 box. The installation of SIMP may overwrite data you have on the box, so be careful and back up all of your data before starting. 
  1. Install all the required repos: You only need the SCL repo for Ruby 1.9.3 if you are using CentOS 6. CentOS 7 comes with Ruby 2.0.

    $ sudo yum install epel-release -y
    $ sudo curl > /etc/yum.repos.d/scl_ruby193.repo
  2. Import the SIMP GPGKEY

    $ curl | gpg --import -
  3. Add the SIMP repo by adding a new file in /etc/yum.repos.d/SIMP.repo containing the following:

    # For EL 7
    $ sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/bintray-simp-5.1.0-3.repo
    # For EL6
    $ sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/bintray-simp-4.2.0-2.repo
  4. Install SIMP!

    $ sudo yum install simp
  5. Set the following variables to repositories of your choosing in /etc/puppet/environments/production/hieradata/default.yaml

    "simp::yum::os_update_url": "$releasever/os/$basearch/"
    "simp::yum::simp_update_url": ""
  6. You will also have to re-enable the repos in /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo after simp config.


SIMP doesn't have a set way to add SIMP Clients. SIMP is a framework and you can add clients as you would a normal puppet client.

You can also download the runpuppet script from your SIMP server:

$ curl http://puppet.server.fqdn/ks/runpuppet > runpuppet
$ chmod +x runpuppet
$ ./runpuppet