Should we remove all items under the 'MODULE_DATA' epic?

Should we remove all items under the 'MODULE_DATA' epic?

Add your comments directly to the page. Include links to any relevant research, data, or feedback.


The MODULE-DATA epic is outdated and should not be done arbitrarily.

In general, the puppet community suggests using module data as appropriate and `params.pp` as appropriate.

Also, there has been no fix for the fact that even default data with no logic paths cannot be handled by `puppet strings` which makes the migration of all default data problematic for auto-generating documentation that is actually useful to end users.

Relevant data

Of the items in the table below, I believe that all can be closed except for SIMP-3281 which seems like a useful linting addition (but may already be completed)

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

Options considered

Option 1:Option 2:
DescriptionRemove all open items besides SIMP-3218Retain all open items and triage individually
Pros and cons

(plus) Allows natural migration to module data as appropriate

(minus) None

(plus) Allows for full analysis of each remaining module

(minus) Will probably camp on the backlog without resolution as it already has

Estimated cost

Kendall Moore

Dylan Cochran (Unlicensed)

Chris Tessmer

Judith Johnson

Trevor Vaughan

Action items

