How to update and test rubygems helpers

How to update and test rubygems helpers

Rubygems such as simp-rake-helpers are not used in simp proper and not downloaded when dependencies are updated in simp-core.

Step-by-step guide

The following steps use rubygem-simp-rake-helpers as an example

  1. Download the git module
    1. From the github:   git clone https://github.com/rubygem-simp-rake-helpers
    2. From  gerrit:
      1. mkdir ./rubygem-simp-rake-helpers
      2. cd rubygem-simp-rake-helpers
      3. git init
      4. In gerrit on right hand side select download, cut and paste the download line.
  2. Compile the gem.  The gem should have a .spec file at the top level of the git module.
    1. cd rubygem-simp-rake-helpers
    2. gem build ./simp-rake-helpers-2.4.7.spec
    3. the build should create a simp-rake-helpers-2.47.gem file in the top level of the git module.
  3. Install to your gem folder:
    1. gem install ./simp-rake-helpers-2.4.7.gem