SIMP 6.4+: Design `simp environment` command

SIMP 6.4+: Design `simp environment` command

This article began as an artifact of  SIMP-6380 - Getting issue details... STATUS .

It describes the simp environment new command (and others), proposed in the decision log SIMP 6.4+: The ISO installation/Puppetfile workflow.

Design lineage

This design has been informed by the mapping work in SIMP 6.4: Map old/new files and capabilities.


This page uses terminology defined in the SIMP Environments article.

(Mockup:) simp environment COMMAND [OPTIONS]

Manage and coordinate SIMP omni-environments


    simp environment COMMAND [OPTIONS]


    simp env

A complete SIMP environment (often referred to as the SIMP "omni-environment")
has three distinct sources:

  * Puppet: Puppet code and data under $environmentpath/$environment/
  * Secondary: Environment-specific SIMP data (e.g, site_files/)
  * Writable: Env-specific SIMP data created during compile (e.g., passgen)

The Secondary and Writable environment are collectively referred to as the
SIMP "Extra" environment.

In order to compile the Puppet catalog, the Puppet server MUST be able to read
from all three environments, and it MUST be able to write to the Writable
environment. The Puppet and Secondary environment's assets MUST be available
_before_ compiling the catalog.



       Contains configurations for the simp cli command

simp environment new ENVIRONMENT [OPTIONS]

Create a new SIMP "Extra" (default) or "omni" environment


    simp environment new ENVIRONMENT [OPTIONS]

By default, this command will:

  * create a new environment (–-skeleton)
  * raise an error if an environment directory already exists

It can create a complete SIMP omni-environment with --puppet-env


     # Create a new development "extra" environment
     simp env new development

     # Link staging's Secondary and Writable env dirs to production
     simp env new staging --link production

     # Create a separate copy of production (will diverge over time)
     simp env new newprod --copy production

     # Create new omni environment, 
     simp env new local_prod --puppetfile


(default) Generate environments from skeleton templates.
Implies --puppetfile
Copy assets from ENVIRONMENT
Symlink Secondary and Writeable environment directories
to ENVIRONMENT. If `--puppet-env` is set, the Puppet
environment will `--copy`.

Puppetfile options 

Generate Puppetfiles in Puppet env directory
* `Puppetfile` will only be created if missing
* `Puppetfile.simp` will be generated from RPM/
* implies `--puppet-env`
Automatically deploys Puppetfile in Puppet env 
directory after creating it
* implies `--puppet-env`
* does NOT imply `--puppetfile`

Extra options 

--puppet-env-dir PATH
Parent directory for new Puppet environment dir 
(default: .)
--secondary-env-dir PATH

Parent directory for new Secondary environment dir

(default: /var/simp/environments)

--writable-env-dir PATH

Parent directory for new Writable environment dir

(default: ${(Puppet server's) vardir}/simp/)

Includes Puppet environment when `--puppet-env`
(default: --no-puppet-env)
Skips the Secondary environment when `--no-`
(default: --secondary-env)
Skips the Writable environment when `--no-`
(default: --writable-env)

Future options:

--simp-mod-data-provider SRC

Provider of simp module data (default: `local_repos`)
Used to generate `Puppetfile.simp`
In the future, SRC may include alternatives, like
`url=PUPPETFILE_URL` or `libkv`

--secondary-env-provider SRC

Provider of secondary env data (default: `directory`)
In the future, SRC may include alternatives,
like `libkv`

--writable-env-provider SRC

Provider of writable env data (default: `directory`)
In the future, SRC  may include alternatives,
like `libkv`

simp environment update ENVIRONMENT [OPTIONS]

Update data in a SIMP "Extra" (default) or "omni" environment


    simp environment update ENVIRONMENT [OPTIONS]


    simp env up ENVIRONMENT [OPTIONS]

The only update the content of Puppetfile.simp.

Copy options:

copy assets from ENVIRONMENT

Puppetfile options: 

   (same as simp environment new)

Extra options: 

   (same as simp environment new)

simp environment remove

Remove an entire SIMP extra-environment


simp environment remove ENVIRONMENT [OPTIONS]


    simp env rm ENVIRONMENT [OPTIONS])

Remove an environment's assets/code/data from ENVIRONMENT'S directories.


Extra options: 

   (same as simp environment new)

simp environment mirror [ENVIRONMENT] [OPTIONS]

Alternate names considered: postrundeployensure

Ensure that a SIMP extra environment exists for each Puppet environment (under
$environmentpath/), creating or removing secondary and writable environments
until there is a 1:1 mapping.

When ENVIRONMENT is given, only that environment will be affected.

This command is useful to run after Code Manager/`r10k deploy environment` or a Code
Manager run.


    # Ensure that a SIMP extra environment exists for each Puppet environment
    # (and remove any extraneous SIMP extra environments)
    simp environment mirror [OPTIONS]

    # * If a Puppet environment exists at $environmentpath/development,  ensure
    #   that a corresponding SIMP extra environment exists, too.
    # * If not, ensure that there is no SIMP extra environment for `development`
    simp environment mirror development [OPTIONS]


     # Create a new development "extra" environment
     simp env new development

     # Link staging's Secondary and Writable env dirs to production
     simp env new staging --link production

     # Create a separate copy of production (will diverge over time)
     simp env new newprod --copy production

Extra options: 

   (same as simp environment new)

simp environment list

List SIMP omni environments


simp environment list [PATTERN] [OPTIONS]


    simp env ls ENVIRONMENT [OPTIONS]

Show table of component environments and status


     # short list of environments
     $ simp env list


     # component environment details
     $ simp env list --details

     | Env dirs:   | Puppet | Secondary | Writable |
     | ----------- | ------ | --------- | -------- |
     | production  | Yes    | Yes       | Yes      |
     | development | Yes    | Yes       | :x:      |
     | production  | Yes    | Yes       | Yes      |

simp environment fix ENVIRONMENT

Re-apply FACLs, SELinux contexts, and permissions to all omni-environment files


    simp environment fix ENVIRONMENT [OPTIONS]


* Ensure SELinux contexts under all environment directories (`fixfiles restore`)
* If ${SECONDARY_ENVDIR}/FakeCA/cacertkey doesn't exist, fill it will random gibberish

Extra options: 

   (same as simp environment new)

simp environment validate [ENVIRONMENT] [OPTIONS]

Validates various things about an environment


    simp environment validate [ENVIRONMENT] [OPTIONS]

Checks include:

* FACLs, SELinux contexts, and permissions to all omni-environment files
* (Basically, everything that `simp env fix` would fix)

Extra options: 

   (same as simp environment new)

simp environment export ENVIRONMENT FILE [OPTIONS]

Creates an encrypted tarball of ENVIRONMENT'S omni-environment


    simp environment export ENVIRONMENT FILE [OPTIONS]

(This might only be relevant to environments provided by directories)

simp environment import ENVIRONMENT FILE [OPTIONS]

Import an exported omni-environment back into ENVIRONMENT


    simp environment import ENVIRONMENT FILE [OPTIONS]

(This might only be relevant to environments provided by directories)




The simp environment COMMAND is composed of sub-commands, like simp puppetfile COMMAND

Below are the relationships to compose simp puppetfile new:

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